Monona, WI
(608) 441-0032
Monona, WI
(608) 441-0032

...doing business as....
Heal Physical Therapy
nbsp;Advanced Manual Physical Therapy

Work Injuries

AMPT Advanced Manual Physical Therapy Specialty PT Clinics Inc. specializes in Workers' Compensation cases. We incorporate Advanced Clinical Reasoning and Manual Therapy techniques with Work Transition Training and Home Exercise Prescription to provide the most appropriate treatment for an employee's injury.

Regular Function Lift Testing is performed to enable quick progression of work restrictions and faster return to work. Our philosophy is one of onsite work transition which maintains continuity with the employees' and employers' psyche to keep the focus on work rather than spending hours in a clinic performing traditional work hardening programs. Many studies have demonstrated the efficacy of this model as well as our own clinical experiences.

The Functional Lift Test enables the Physician to see clear progress of an employee's lift abilities and easily progress their restrictions without the considerable time and expense of a functional capacity evaluation. Thus both rehabiltation and return to work occur quicker.



Copyright © AMPT Specialty PT Clinics. All Rights Reserved.
South Towne Office Park, 2000 Engel Street Suite 102, Monona, WI 53713